Wednesday, April 8, 2009


"My heart is beeping for the Invisible Children."

It was a typical tuesday day during springbreak. Pang cha (my sister) said that I should go to the U (University of Minnesota) with her because her friend is showing a commentary on children soldiers. I was like, "Aww...I dont want to go." So she said, "You get a free t-shirt" so I was estatic when she said that (cause Im a freak when it comes to t-shirts). I was like, "Totally going for that t-shirt." So yes indeed I went just to get a free tshirt but I never realized how much my heart would feel to see such devastating heartfelt, unexplainable...I just dont know how to explain. For those who do not know about the Invisible Children, I should explain.

It started with three American Guys who went to Africa just to try it out. They never knew that in Uganda or is it Sudan?, I dont really remember, this "leader" call Joseph Kony, would abduct children and make the children soldiers. They are only nine to tweleve years of age! I know. I just dont know how to explain to you guys but it just made me cried. Sitting there at the U, just tears dripping down my cheeks. You guys SHOULD TOTALLY CHECK IT OUT.

I believe they are marching on the 25th of April. For more information you guys should visit the website:

& you guys should totally see the VIDEOS on youtube especially this one:

And if you didnt feel anything, you are not human. They are invisible because of people like you if you didnt feel anything.

1 comment:

  1. wow are you serious? I should check it out. This actutally was vista at the U of M? I wonder why my sister was not inform of it. Seem pretty rough and sad when you summarized it.
