Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Day Of Finals

So I'm sitting here in geometry class, thinking to myself, "Fourth quarter is almost here..." Time sure is going by fast when we CONSUME THINGS. Haha. Anyways- WALL.E is such an interesting movie. It's really freaky of how they live in space. I mean that's just weird. Fat people on "couch" roaming around and not knowing how to work or do things themselves. Now, that is what I define as crazy! What are people thinking? And it's sad to know that all of us are relying on technology more and more now. One day if we we're to live in space like that- I would not be there. That reminds me, spring is coming. I know it is random, but the plant in WALL.E reminds me of spring. The trash that conquer earth is freaky. Supposedly this move was mean to show how IDIOTIC humans can be and yet I'm one them. It's actually funny yet surprising to me of how much we consume a day.

So on my last blog, I wrote about my technology journal and I realized that EVERYONE is a PIG when it comes to technology. That is sad. I mean, I know that we "need" some of those things but some thing it is not necessary? I used the computer almost everyday, I find that kind of bad. We humans are so contradicting. I know it sounds like I'm complaining yet I know I am talking about myself too when I am writing about "humans." I need to share WALL.E with my mom. She would totally be surprise. I shall have a talk with her after badminton.

"The clock is ticking slowly, sad. It is only 1:45 PM right now and it seems like the day will never end. OH YEAH! That reminds me, what surprise me the most from the movie WALL.E is the humans drinking food. That is so unexplainable. It's like what happen to eating? So then what do we need teeth for? Whoever wrote that movie script must be concern? or are they promoting a voice to us that we ARE GOING TO LIVE IN SPACE SOON? haha. Just kidding. Anyways time's up. Time to go back to classroom. XD

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