His superego connects with his speech. He always say, "No, no no..." (11) or he either say, "I do not like it, I do not like it one bit." (22.) This show that his speeches talks about bring moral. He's suggesting that the kid picking the cat's choice is not a right thing. The fish being superego, knows whats right to wrong. He saying no and saying that he don't like it, explains that he doesn't want the kids to do what the cats want. The fish know that if he does not speak about this, the kids will do the wrong thing, which is making the mother mad. Although he did not mention the kids, and instead mention himself only, it doesn't mean he is id. I think anyone can have fun at home by not doing tricks like what the cat is doing. Kids should obeyed the law of their mom because if anything happen, it would be the mom's responsibility. This then connects how the fish is superego towards his speech. He doesn't want the kids to get hurt by the cats. He always say something so it can affect the kids' choice of having fun or not.

Throughout the whole book, the fish's expressions or looks tells us that he is more dominate by the superego. His face was always angry, or a serious face. Someone being superego do have a serious face because they know doing the wrong thing wont be good. Therefore, they always try to persuade that person not to do the wrong thing. The fish has this face or expression throughout the whole book until the end where he simply have a smile on his face. The angry or serious face shows that he didn't like what the cat is doing and that no one pays attention to him. Knowing whats right to whats wrong, sometimes people don't notice or pay attention to it because they are busy with their Id. He finally smiled at the end which mean that the cat and kids finally did what is right or moral. This hows his superego dominating his id and ego because throughout the book, he always persuade the kids not to do what the cat wanted. The fish knew that the tricks that the cat had was not fun and he know the kids' mom will be mad if she comes back and they didn't behaved. His thoughts is also take part in showing that he is moral. He being moral means he have superego.

The words he used, to speak, can be said that he is superego. To speak like the fish have Id, would be to persuade someone to do the wrong thing. For example, the cat always want the kids to do tricks but the fish always defend it by saying the kids' mom wont like it. To speak like the fish have ego would mean he would let the kid have a little fun but still have an aware of the mother. Yet, the fish only think about the mom not being happy. He keep persuading the kids that he don't like the tricks and repeatedly say no. This show that superego control him.
The expression on his face shows that he is superego because like I said, it looks serious yet paranoid. Superego shows on the face by having a serious look. The fish is serious. Sometimes when people are serious it is because they know someone is doing wrong bur those people don't listen to them. For example, the cat and kids don't listen to the fish because they know he is right and so the fish would have a serious looking face. Being id, the face will be shown as happy because they are then getting pleasure. The face of the fish doesn't show that. Therefore, I conclude that his expression is a part of him being superego.
The fish is definitely dominated by superego. His face shows and his speech tells. The book doesn't really tell us what he thinks. He being superego affect the other characters but then again, he was moral and he knew what they shouldn't do.
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