Important memories or images of our lives will never be forgotten.
In Satrapi's book, Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi not only hold a strong meaning but a strong story that none of us can ever tell. When I first read the first chapter, "The Veil" it suprises me because I always had thought that, people in Tehran always had wear the veil, therefore it suprises me. Like you, Erin, said- "pictures are as powerful as words." I must agree with that. Satrapi's memoir means more than what she written and drew. Pictures often sometimes have a deeper meaning that words. Like an old saying always say, "a picture can tell a thousand words." I believe it is more powerful than what Satrapi has fictionalized because we only can have a visual of what happening, we had never witness it with our own eyes therefore it may not seem that powerful but behind it all, its meaning is undescriable. I had read couple of memoirs before like the book, Memoirs of a Geisha. Memoirs have more deeper than we think they do. They are the stories that take our breath away and make us wonder how it'll be like if we were the one witnessing it instead.
Since the society that we all like in are sometimes rank in social classes, it depends on the social classes of which people are in. I believe that no matter what, women will always play a role of cooking and being a household. Indeed in this modern world, we as women had have more rights but we're still the same. The government of Tehran wanted all the women to cover their skin by having a viel, and I thought that was just insane. Marji is expected to go to school and she actually go and learn. Her mother and grandmother, I would say, do the same as some women in the USA do. The maid is expected to not have dinner with them. I find that very true about the old days. The teachers obey everything and every women is expected to wear the veil. Satrapi may had not said out that women didn't have that much right as men but when I read it, I myself, see that Satrapi try to show that, she did a great job showing it. No matter what women will always be treated differently.
Religion play a very very big role in Persepolis. I remember reading the part when Satrapi wanted to be a prophet and would talk to God. Right then, I knew that religion play a huge role, just like how it plays a role in me. It's very interesting how, not just the charaters in Satrapi interact with each other due to religion, but everyone around us interact differently through our religion. Like the teachers had taught Satrapi that the king was chosen by God but instead Satrapi's dad said that, that is not true. I think Satrapi is in a way making a social commentary on religion. I think she is saying that sometimes religions are an aspect in which holds our lifestyle and it is important. For example is that culture is strict, then you must live your life strict and obeying the law of that god. Her meaning of religion is deeper than this which I cant really explain.
Childhood- Satrapi explain her childhood so far so good with powerful meaning. We all should have a story to tell too.
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